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        Steam heating to glass equipment
        Addtime:2016-10-19 14:33:14 Print
        Today is to introduce the relevant information about the glass lining equipment, hope to be of service, also want to know friends get some consensus.Together, please follow below small make up to simple look at:
        Glass lining equipment operating temperature is higher, usually chemical reaction carried out in a certain temperature conditions, so the glass lining equipment under pressure and temperature.When heating temperature under 100 ℃, can use a under atmospheric pressure steam to heat;100 ~ 180 ℃ range, with saturated steam;When the temperature is higher, can use high pressure superheated steam.This is the glass lining equipment of steam heating.
        Application of glass lining equipment in the chemical industry is very broad, if you have any about glass coating equipment related needs, please contact us, we will with professional and timely technical service with you.
        In the previous:The thermal stress damage of enamel reaction tank
        Copyright © 2015 Zibo Rui Jin Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd.  Technical support:ZIBOZHISHUN
        Phone: 0533-2900235  Fax: 0533-2900235  E-mail: ziboruijin@126.com
        Address: ChangGuo Road No. 111 Zhangdian District of Zibo City, Shandong Province