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        Leakage of discharge valve in enamel reactor
        Addtime:2018-09-04 10:31:38 Print
        For the enamel reaction tank discharge valve I think you should be familiar with, now small weave to take you to understand the phenomenon of leakage of the enamel reaction tank discharge valve, hoping to bring convenience to everyone. Because the valve head and stem of the discharging valve of the enameled reaction tank will be deformed when sintered, resulting in poor anastomosis between the valve head and orifice plate, such a thin cladding layer can not guarantee that the valve head and orifice plate are tightly bonded, because the seal can not be sealed, the operator will tighten the valve of the enameled reaction tank vigorously, resulting in a very short cladding layer of orifice plate. Internal cracking and splitting. Even some new enamel reaction tank valves can not be sealed without use. Most users do not have the awareness and equipment for valve sealing inspection. If the valve leaks, the material added to the enamel reaction tank will flow into the downstream equipment without reaction, seriously affecting product quality. This leakage is internal leakage, can not be found, due to valve leakage caused by product quality is not easy to detect. About the above content, do you have any questions, want to know more, welcome to the consultation, all the staff of the company invite you to come to guide the work!
        The next article:How to repair enamel kettle
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