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        Enamel reaction kettle demand for steel
        Addtime:2016-05-19 11:25:55 Print
        We all know the importance of material to the finished product quality, by the same token, enamel reaction kettle with the correct reasonable choice of the steel has an important influence the characteristic of enamel.So how to ensure that the special requirements of enamel reactor steel?Let small make up to tell everyone:
        1. The surface can not have banded structure, can not have slag, crack, double skin, bubble, porosity, segregation accumulation or indefinite accumulation, especially cannot exist pearlite and cementite;
        2. Its forming stretch or deep drawing parts should not be any defects when technicians to burn;
        3. The gas content should be minimum, especially hydrogen content;
        4. The coefficient of expansion of steel plate shall be within a certain range, with adapter enamels.
        5. Its forming structure more reasonable, heating ShiGang embryo deformation plasticity, high temperature firing without deflection, not extend, does not shrink.
        To satisfy the above points, your enamel reactor can meet the requirements of steel!
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