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        The five major cause of glass lining equipment damage
        Addtime:2016-06-27 15:54:48 Print
        Because of glass lining equipment is a kind of brittleness, harsh working conditions (abrasion and corrosion) nor any tiny cracks, so in its transportation, installation and use of equipment, such as operation requires special care, but also pay attention to maintenance, to ensure the safety of the equipment performance.
        But sometimes can appear or glass lining equipment damage, you are below specific analysis the five major cause of the damage of glass lining equipments:
        1. Transportation and improper installation method; 
        2. Entrained metal, stones and other hard objects within a material impact to the wall; 
        3. Cold heat shock temperature difference is too big, in excess of the prescribed requirements; 
        4. Strong acid alkali material under the condition of high temperature high corrosion; 
        5. Under the condition of abrasion and corrosion over usage.
        In you know five cause of glass lining equipment damage, as long as as far as possible to avoid these from happening, can certainly as far as possible to reduce damage of glass lining equipments.
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        Address: ChangGuo Road No. 111 Zhangdian District of Zibo City, Shandong Province